Sixty-two self-identifying mothers responded to 18 text prompts. Read them here.
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How does your chosen community show up for you?
What are you grieving right now?
Describe how your relationship to sex has changed for you since becoming a mother.
What generational trauma are you breaking OR addressing as you raise your child/children?
Describe a memorable interaction or conversation with a co-worker, or medical professional
Today I was surprised when..
Describe a cherished ritual/routine you've practiced as mother and child.
Asking for help feels like...
Describe motherhood using five smiley-face emojis.
Share about a caregiver who has shown you vital support.
How did you adapt during the Covid-19 pandemic?
What have you been prescribed since becoming a mother? Do you self-medicate? In what ways, How?
As a mother, tell me how you feel about gun control.
What do you do that feels invisible?
Mommy Brain is...
How do the word's "self-care" feel when you hear them?
Teenagers. Free pass!
Tell me 5 things you need (and don't have) right now.
Have you felt "mom rage before? What did it feel like? What happened?