Birthday Cake
Sixty-two self-identifying mothers responded to 18 text prompts. Read them here.
My Son Didn't Mean to Hate Me.
My mother looked down at her hands and said…"I’m pregnant."
Strike One, Strike Two, Strike Three
I had never felt so much love as when she was placed in my arms.
I know my healing continues as I share my story
I can’t believe this choice is being taken away from us
You never fully get the true picture of your own childhood until you parent your own child
Two different choices can evoke the same emotions
Because it was the right thing for me
I fell pregnant again 7 months later
The Gift
I lost something
‘Who will hold me?’ I wondered.
Hear you, hearing you.
This baby felt foreign to me and I couldn't tell anyone.
We knew prenatally that my daughter had Down Syndrome
You never really get rid of that muscle memory.
My partner deserves it. I do too.
Can I see your vagina?