Birthday Cake
Sixty-two self-identifying mothers responded to 18 text prompts. Read them here.
My Son Didn't Mean to Hate Me.
How Our Generational Parenting Practices Were Interrupted
Strike One, Strike Two, Strike Three
I had never felt so much love as when she was placed in my arms.
I can’t believe this choice is being taken away from us
You never fully get the true picture of your own childhood until you parent your own child
My mother is a grandmother now.
We all are born, we live and we all die, but fuck cancer.
Rage shows up sometimes.
My daughter lied.
‘Who will hold me?’ I wondered.
What right did those people have to take her baby?
This baby felt foreign to me and I couldn't tell anyone.
It was a shock to me.
Trusting a three year old is hard.
One is perfect, the other is two.
Lost and found body parts
Curing appendicitis with a garden hose.
The death of a future I thought I was going to have.