Describe a cherished ritual/routine you've practiced as mother and child.
Sixty-two self-identifying mothers responded to 18 text prompts. Read them here.
Asking for help feels like...
Describe motherhood using five smiley-face emojis.
Share about a caregiver who has shown you vital support.
How did you adapt during the Covid-19 pandemic?
What have you been prescribed since becoming a mother? Do you self-medicate? In what ways, How?
As a mother, tell me how you feel about gun control.
What do you do that feels invisible?
Mommy Brain is...
How do the word's "self-care" feel when you hear them?
Teenagers. Free pass!
Tell me 5 things you need (and don't have) right now.
Have you felt "mom rage before? What did it feel like? What happened?
Describe exactly what you hear right now...
My biggest worry is...
The last time I said goodbye to my kiddo I felt...
Dinner tonight looked like…
Today I Felt Loved When...