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Sixty-two self-identifying mothers responded to 18 text prompts. Read them here.
Dripping from the Water of Yesterday‘s Bath
Tonight I treated myself with a bubble bath the water filled to the tippy-top, As I lie in the tub I am drawn to the effervescent sound...
Mar 22, 2023
My Son Didn't Mean to Hate Me.
My first husband was dissatisfied with his mother and when later in our marriage, he fell on hard times, he made it clear that he...
Jan 2, 2023
How Our Generational Parenting Practices Were Interrupted
I didn’t understand with my first child how much historic trauma had damaged my ability to be touched and express love with my kids. I ...
Sep 23, 2022
Conversations with My Seven Year Old
7 yo: I need a bandaid. Me: For what? 7 yo: My knee. Me: What’s wrong with your knee? 7 yo: I’m afraid it’s going to faint. :: After...
Jul 23, 2022
We all are born, we live and we all die, but fuck cancer.
Birth and death seem to go hand in hand. The immense feelings, emotions, and experiences that come with motherhood are unexplainable, ...
Jul 10, 2022
Hockey Moms
In a high school varsity hockey game my son in his Jr. year, was going for a puck on the boards right in front of his team's bench. He...
Jul 7, 2022
The Gift
“And be REALLY CAREFUL, Mommie, it’s REALLY BREAKABLE!” Alden handed me the little package as if it contained a bubble still swirling...
Nov 20, 2021
My daughter lied.
My daughter lied. My sweet, quiet, honest (wasn’t she?!) daughter lied. And not just a little lie, but a big one - the kind with real...
Dec 14, 2020
Hear you, hearing you.
We have a funny saying in our home: ‘hear you, hearing you.’ It’s the not-subtle reminder that your children will take on, and repeat,...
Dec 14, 2020
Razor rash in the nether regions
When my daughter was about four years old, we took the kids camping. The morning of day four of our trip, she and I headed to the...
Dec 14, 2020
This baby felt foreign to me and I couldn't tell anyone.
I know now that I experienced postpartum depression with both of my boys, but to different degrees. Back then, there really wasn't a...
Dec 14, 2020
It was a shock to me.
Trigger Warning: This story contains subject matter relating to suicide. It was a cool November morning. I was cleaning up the kitchen...
Dec 14, 2020
Trusting a three year old is hard.
I’ve got a kid that hangs back. When it comes to new places and faces (or old ones, frankly), she buys her time. She watches. Assesses....
Dec 14, 2020
Curing appendicitis with a garden hose.
Two summers ago on July 3rd, my 11 year old was complaining about a stomachache. We had been suffering in a heat wave, multiple days of...
Dec 14, 2020
Hey Babe...
Chloe, age 3, after telling her she was going to be a big sister: “Would you like a little sister or a little brother?” “Hmmmm, how about...
Dec 14, 2020
You never really get rid of that muscle memory.
I don’t usually talk about my pregnancy, birthing story, or the first two years of my son’s life. I stick to more upbeat topics. I was...
Dec 14, 2020
I have two butts.
Around age 3 my daughter asked me why girls have two butts. “We don’t have two butts, just one.” I said. “I have two. My little butt (her...
Dec 14, 2020
MOMMM! You are beautiful!
I gained a lot of weight during my late thirties pregnancies. I nursed two babies for a combination of 51 months. Both left my body with...
Dec 14, 2020
Chi chi
My daughter discovered a tampon in an old purse of mine and said,”I know what this is for. Girls but them up their butts to keep babies...
Dec 14, 2020
They had to sedate her
Trigger Warning: This story contains subject matter relating to suicide. I work in the deli at Hannaford. I am in the chicken room...
Dec 14, 2020
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