Mar 23, 2023Birthday CakeI sat alone at the kitchen table. My daughter on a stool at the counter with her breakfast. I started to sob. again. A continuation from...
Mar 22, 2023Dripping from the Water of Yesterday‘s BathTonight I treated myself with a bubble bath the water filled to the tippy-top, As I lie in the tub I am drawn to the effervescent sound...
Jan 2, 2023My Son Didn't Mean to Hate Me.My first husband was dissatisfied with his mother and when later in our marriage, he fell on hard times, he made it clear that he...
Jan 2, 2023My mother looked down at her hands and said…"I’m pregnant."I would say my life has been defined in a large part by the lack of agency my mother had in her choice to have children. She was married...
Jul 7, 2022My body seems foreign but my baby is healthy.After a surprise pregnancy and 9 months getting used to the idea of my new role, I had outlined my birth “preferences”. I had always...
Nov 20, 2021Rage shows up sometimes.When we were already late, but I chose to squeeze in 45 seconds to run the vacuum; which coincidentally, is enough time for both children...
Dec 13, 2020It was a shock to me.Trigger Warning: This story contains subject matter relating to suicide. It was a cool November morning. I was cleaning up the kitchen...
Dec 13, 2020One is perfect, the other is two.I thought mothers loved all their children the same? Well, I’m just going to say it, but I think I have a favorite. All I know is one...
Dec 13, 2020Three hot messes.I can remember one evening shortly after returning to work after maternity leave and coming home from work/daycare with both girls....
Dec 13, 2020Five things that I didn’t know about pregnancy:1. When you’re pregnant, even your vulva gets fat. 2. After you have the baby, it still rules your body: breastfeeding, diet, back...
Dec 13, 2020Impending vomit all day. Morning Sickness: A cutesy, sweet, non-threatening, non-medical sounding term. Clearly invented by men. For me, so called MORNING...
Dec 13, 2020We're made for this shit.“I hate to tell you this girl, but, we’re made for this shit.” That’s what my sister-in-law told me. Three months post baby, I was...