Mother of Pearl
Sixty-two self-identifying mothers responded to 18 text prompts. Read them here.
Dripping from the Water of Yesterday‘s Bath
Strike One, Strike Two, Strike Three
The sound of that heartbeat cemented my faith
Abortions are health care.
I know my healing continues as I share my story
You never fully get the true picture of your own childhood until you parent your own child
My mother is a grandmother now.
We all are born, we live and we all die, but fuck cancer.
My body seems foreign but my baby is healthy.
Momma Held it Down
One, Two, Three, Four, Five
‘Who will hold me?’ I wondered.
It was a shock to me.
Baby absorbing baby.
The death of a future I thought I was going to have.
They didn't push him up, they didn't sew my cervix shut
They don’t tell you so much. They can’t.
They had to sedate her