Jan 2, 2023My Son Didn't Mean to Hate Me.My first husband was dissatisfied with his mother and when later in our marriage, he fell on hard times, he made it clear that he...
Jul 10, 2022My mother is a grandmother now."My mother is a grandmother now she says to me let’s catch up so I put my book down take a deep breath say sure and she is already...
Jun 26, 2022Because it was the right thing for me This photo is from a time when my then-husband was out fishing and I was, simply put, not okay. My body was broken in many ways after a...
Nov 20, 2021Rage shows up sometimes.When we were already late, but I chose to squeeze in 45 seconds to run the vacuum; which coincidentally, is enough time for both children...
Oct 20, 2021I lost somethingI realized I had lost something I hadn’t had before, after touching base with my new neighbor, years after I had lost it. She was...