Today I Felt Loved When...
Sixty-two self-identifying mothers responded to 18 text prompts. Read them here.
Mother of Pearl
Strike One, Strike Two, Strike Three
The sound of that heartbeat cemented my faith
I had never felt so much love as when she was placed in my arms.
We were not ready to start a family.
I know my healing continues as I share my story
It’s hard to be a mom when the word MOTHER somewhere in your psyche terrifies you
Nine months later, the same woman who counseled me for my abortion delivered my perfect baby boy
Hockey Moms
My body seems foreign but my baby is healthy.
I owned that choice
The Gift
One, Two, Three, Four, Five
This baby felt foreign to me and I couldn't tell anyone.
Lost and found body parts
Three hot messes.
Terrified I wouldn’t recognize my own child
I am discovering who I am, again
MOMMM! You are beautiful!