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Describe exactly what you hear right now...

Brianna Allen

Wind buffeting the RV windows, tires turning on road while driving to Mammoth Cave NP with the Metro Opera keeping me company!

The soothing ocean sounds of a sound machine, the soft reassuring breaths of my sleeping toddler snuggled up next to me, and the list of things I need to be doing on repeat in my head while I'm choosing to relax in this finite moment of peace instead. I call it the "nap time tango"

The white noise machine creepily emitting from the baby monitor

News blaring in the background as the kids craft at the kitchen table

I hear silence. No squeals, squeaks or mama!! Or mom. While we know that is the 'goal', it's too quiet sometimes

I hear one kid playing Minecraft on the computer, one playing a game on their iPad. Some might call it giving up, some might call it a peaceful Saturday morning. I call it "moms overwhelmed and needs get stuff done, I need you to not be fighting and let me work", did I just hear a sneeze? Here we go again…

I am listening to a kiddo complaining about her landlord, and saying that she should just get the deposit back because she wasn't hardly ever at her apartment. Kiddo is moving back home since living on your own isn't quite as exciting as being with other family members.

My dearest closest lifelong friend is washing the breakfast dishes and said, "The mountains are getting more prominent "

My almost 12 month old breathing little baby breaths and making little grunts as he goes between climbing over me and knocking little rocks together across the floor. Then his little pitter patter as he crawls across the room to something else to investigate as it rains outside the window.

The sound of decision making and conversation. Hot chocolate or vanilla steamer, whipped cream or sprinkles.

"There must be more than this provincial life ...." - courtesy of my toddler's beauty and the beast tonie music box

Silence it's beautiful

I hear wind whipping through my sunroof!

A blender, the washer, the Beatles and my child explaining the art project she's creating inside a mason jar with "rock and roll fairies having a concert." The cat is meowing at my feet.

How did you let yourself go this much and why couldn't you do better

Baby squealing, as I yell, "No! Don't chase the Kitty!" Breakfast frying in the pan & Neko Case (once more) stepping in to hold my Universe together with her strong loving tunes on the phone speaker. "This Tornado Loves You" ♥

The roar of a motorcycle 🏍️ convoy snake-ing through the hood

Right this minute I hear my best friend bantering with my husband as she rubs his painful leg. It's a thing they have between them. I guess because she does not live with him, she can make his leg pain less with no underlying day to day stuff that can sometimes for me make rubbing his leg an added chore. He burns himself out helping others and by the time he needs the leg rubbed... I haved moved on to my unmet needs. I appreciate her and am Thankful for her. She just spent the day packing with me to get ready for the move and now is picking up the slack with the husband. She is funny, quick witted and solid. I can just sit here and listen to her unload on my husband and listen to him to reel her in to reality. Weird but comforting.

A campfire crackling, a rooster in the distance, and the cooing of a content baby.

Nora talking as Cinderella's step-mother

Silence. Oh wait, also the ever present napping deep rumble of white noise. But even with that, i mostly hear silence

I hear the radio in my car and the noise of my old ass car chugging up east hill. I love this car. My first child was conceived in it.

I hear the broken bathroom fan barely running, a toddler screeching from a kitchen tower that they must be the one to crack the eggs, and that dad may not have a fried egg but a scrambled one. I hear the distant sound of my 12 year old watching a show I have no interest in the toddler getting a glimpse of. I hear the forced air heating turning on. I hear the congestion in my face.

Taylor swift

The heater whirring, Kathleen on KBBI talking about upcoming Homer events, and kitty stomping around the kitchen with surprisingly loud footsteps. Kids are still asleep so the house feels like it's just quietly waiting…

My 12yo daughter telling me about all the tween things and the moth radio stories on quietly in the background.

Son talking about Pokémon to grandpa, baby cooing, daughter talking to big brother, laughing at grandpas tickles

My husband's mouse clicking and swerving on the plastic desk. The laptop fan. His dry hands rubbing his eye. My own keyboard clacks. We work from home. On Saturdays.

I hear the ticking of a wall clock and the hum of electricity from office machines, and some tinnitus.

my husband reading to me, and the sounds of breathing and suckling, while my daughter is breast-feeding.

Drips of melting snow. One tweeting bird. My 8 year old and the neighbor boy making space battle sounds.

The Simpson’s theme song, muffled and mixed with the "roo roo" of my restless puppy antagonizing the cat.

The sound machine app playing from my phone as I am in hotel room with my 2 kids.

Spin cycle. Public radio. Dog's nails across the living room. Sick girl child clearing her throat.

I hear two girls having lots of fun in the backseat, not wanting to fall asleep. I hear Dad's voice get more and more tense as we drive home from 3 days on "vacation".

A dog snoring and the birds. It's 78 degrees in Vermont.

Silence. The quiet hum of some electronic thing, and the ticking of a clock. It's nice, but it usually means my kids are with their dad, so it's also a little lonely.

The tv, my daughter singing, and the video message from my friend catching us up on her life

My husband on the phone with Comcast attempting to connect our internet. The humm of the baby monitor and tiny little snores coming from the snotty faced baby.

Amazon music radio ad, and blasting noises coming from my 8 year old's imagination brought to you by LEGO.


Music playing on the back deck and kids playing outside next door - not bad for a Saturday afternoon

My ex's fish tank filter, my dog's collar clinking as she shakes her head, and my kid talking to herself as she "imagines" using little pieces of firewood.

Do you want your grover book? No papa get it. No oliver get it, it's up stairs. Go outside? Hahaha. I'm not an accountant, that's how I would do it. Oliver wants a grover book, ophelia wants her big bird book and I am trying to make sense of taxes. Happy squeals mixed with 100632 requests and a pinch of frustration. Mayhem at 10am

Coughing coughing coughing. Mine and my daughters in the other room. The same damn cough that has been passed around and around since October. I hear it over the sound of the white noise machine above my head and it drowns out the cute little piggy noises of the nursing baby beside me who sleeps through the cough, used to it by now. I hear some heavy footsteps upstairs or maybe its the cats can't tell. More coughing

I hear two girls laughing and giggling excited to stay in a hotel with a pool and country music

A snotty, congested, fussy 14m old. The creaking rocking chair, a humming humidifier and a sweet lullaby - as my 3yr old cranks around outside on her four-wheeler with daddy.

I hear my daughter out on the deck with my husband and his friend. I hear Paw Patrol playing on her tablet and my husband saying, "Look, Georgia! A red-winged blackbird!" I hear Corona bottles clinking on the metal armrests of the patio chairs. I hear the screen door opening and my husband saying, "I just gotta put some boots on...Georgia, I'm gonna go hang out with Matt...Can you be a good girl for Mommy?"

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